the Fortnite crew

Wha-a-a-a-t? 11 years old – crazy! Our little man is another year older, but my pseudo-prediction from last year that he may be taller than Jenn by this point did not come to pass (whew!). 😉

His birthday was fairly low-key this year. The actual day fell on a Thursday, and for some reason he was out of school early so happily spent a few hours at my office, playing his Nintendo and eating a doughnut. We did his favorite meal (Dad Burgers!) for dinner, a few friends from up the road came by for a Happy Birthday hello and some cake afterwards, that was about all. Josh went to sleep a satisfied 11-year-old.

Being a big fan of Fortnite, his party on the weekend following his birthday was thus themed appropriately. Well, as far as you can ‘theme’ a party for an 11-year-old and still be cool, anyway. Let’s call it the ‘framework’ for the party. Anyway, a few buddies came over to stay for the night and kicked off with some Nerf gun action outside, complete with some ammo drop packages a la Fortnite… I even risked life and limb to go up on the roof to drop these little packages off to them (they were attached to helium balloons, like in the game, so they would sort of float down to the ground for them. Execution wasn’t so smooth but full style points / ‘E’ for effort anyway.) Boys got a kick out of it at any rate.

Some pizza nourishment followed the Nerf gun session, topped with a sugar infusion in the form of doughnuts (our birthday go-to instead of cake on many occasions), styled to look like the Fortnite currency, ‘V-Bucks’. Jenn FTW! The remainder of the evening (plus a bit in the morning after waffles) was devoted to playing Fortnite, as you would expect at a Fortnite party!

Happy Birthday, buddy.